Kochi, Kerala: A landmark event unfolded in Kochi as the first Sikh marriage was officially registered in the city at the Ernakulam Sub-Registrar’s office. The union between Mantej Singh, an architect in Melbourne and Inderpreet Kaur (known as Nimmi), a designer in France, marks a historic moment for the Sikh community in Kerala.
The wedding was celebrated with both traditional Sikh rituals and a modern touch. The couple, who live in different countries – Mantej in Australia and Nimmi, who designed the lights for the Paris Olympics, in France — will have their marriage solemnised at the Golden Temple in Punjab six months later, making the registration in Kochi a formality for official documentation.
The bride’s family, originally from Patiala, Punjab, decided to register the marriage in Kochi due to the family’s long-standing ties to the city. Surinder Singh Sethi, Nimmi’s father, explained, “We have relatives in Punjab, but we all lived in Kochi for so long. We have many acquaintances here, and it was convenient to register the marriage.”
Wedding ceremony with traditional rituals
After completing the registration process at the Ernakulam Sub-Registrar’s office, the family shared sweets with the groom’s and bride’s relatives. The celebration continued at the Sikh Gurudwara in Thevara, where guests prayed, received prasad (sacred offering), and enjoyed a communal meal together.
The Sethi family has deep roots in Kochi, even though they originally hail from Punjab. Nimmi’s father, Surinder, and his brothers moved to Kochi after their father, Harban Singh Sethi, retired from the IAS. Over the years, the family became well-established in the region, running various businesses including an automobile business and Sethi De Dhaba in Kadavanthra.
Surinder Singh Sethi shared that all four of his brothers had previously married at a Gurudwara in Kochi, but their marriages were not officially registered at the time. His brothers Surinder Singh and Bunty Singh operate automobile businesses, while the other two brothers, Mohinder Singh and Manjit Singh, run Sethi Da Dhaba in Kadavanthra.
K Unnikrishnan